November 12, 2011

Using Geothermal energy in Our Homes

One of the renewable sources of energy that you can use is surely geothermal energy. Most people think of solar energy and wind energy when it comes to renewable energy sources. However, you can also use the geothermal power of the Earth to cool or heat up your home. With geothermal power you can heat up your home in winter times and you can cool your house in the summer time. Hence, geothermal power can help save a huge measure of your power bill by reducing your heating and cooling costs at your home.

Geothermal energy is in essence harnessing the constant temperature of the Earth. The temperature of the ground (few feet below the surface) is regularly constant on summer and winter. Hence the heat or the coolness outside does not influence it greatly. This constant private temperature ranges from 7 degrees Celsius to 21 degrees Celsius. Hence, while the winter time, the outside temperatures will be cooler than this private temperature. Also in summer, the private temperature will be cooler than outside temperature.

Home Made Air Conditioner

Thus by using a geothermal pump, we can harness the geothermal energy of the Earth by using the geothermal pump as a heat exchanger. This works in the same principle as an air conditioner, as it exchanges the temperature gradient of the Earth with the temperature gradient of your home. Thus when it is cold outside, the hotter temperature of the ground is exchanged to originate a warmer environment in your house. When it is warmer outside, then again the same principle applies as you can categorically replacement the cooler temperature of the private with the warmer temperature gradients in your home.

This explication can be used everywhere in the United States as every geographical location shares these same traits. Although an factory of a geothermal pump is more expensive compared to a regular system, in the long run you will be able to save essential number of money.

Using Geothermal energy in Our Homes

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