All reverse cycle or refrigerative air conditioning systems have condensation or drain pipes to take off any condensation from the system. So what do you do if your air conditioners drain pipes get blocked? What will happen if these condensation pipes stop flowing? Below is a guide to air conditioning drain pipes with 3 ways to keep your drains clean and free from obstructions.
Drains from an air conditioner are used to take off any condensation produced by the system. If these drains become blocked, the air conditioner will leak water either down the wall or through the ceiling, depending on where the air conditioner is located. So what maintenance can you do to ensure these drains stay unblocked and free of obstructions?
Homemade Air Conditioning System

1. Use Water To Check The Drains - With a ducted or central air conditioner, you can check the drains by using soapy water. Firstly, ensure you turn the power off to your air conditioning system or your home. Now, once in the roof you will see a drain tray or urgency tray situated underneath the air conditioning unit. This drain removes all the moisture from your system. Pour the water into the tray and it should rush to one end where it flows down a pipe and to the face of your home. Have person watch face to see if this water runs out freely. These drains regularly flow out somewhere near the outdoor unit's compressor. If the drains do not flow, it is a good sign that you have a blocked drain.
2. Look For Obstructions - Obstructions like sticks and insects can no ifs ands or buts get up from face into the drains and cause blockages. Insect regularly crawl up drains and may make nests with twigs or spiders may make webs which will block your air conditioning systems drains. To take off these obstructions, you can get a long flexible strap often called a snake, which you push up and down the drain to take off these obstructions. You can also blow compressed air down from the roof to try to blow the obstructions out from the pipe work.
3. take off Mold From Drains - Mold can no ifs ands or buts grow in your air conditioners drain causing an obstruction. To remove, prepare a water and bleach solution and pour this down your air conditioners drains.
These 3 tips will help ensure your air conditioning systems runs issue free for many years to come.
Blocked Air Conditioning Drains - 3 Tips to Help You Fix It